Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Today presenting you guys something very special: Home made almond butter, that is just almost too good to be true!

Confession time: Almond is probably my number one favorite plant-based ingredient ever. Let me tell you why.

First of all, almonds are suuuper healthy! They are full of fiber, healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Eating almonds is good for you in so many ways, in fact they are recommended to be eaten daily as a part of healthy (vegan) diet.

Secondly, almonds can usually be found everywhere. No matter which part of the world you go, or any supermarket, they always sell almonds. And I love it. Also, almonds can be used to make almost anything: milk, oil, butter, flour, paste, and it can be consumed both internally and externally.

Thirdly, and some may say, most importantly, almonds are delicious! Personally, I love almonds in every possible way: I can easily eat them as snacks between the meals just as they are, I love to drink almond milk (together with oat milk it is my top plant-based milk choice), but more than anything else, I love almond butter!

For some time already I knew almond butter was delicious, but what I only recently discovered is that it is also ridiculously easy to make home yourself. Like, sooo easy. The only condition is that you have to have a powerful blender/food processor, and some patience (ok, maybe a lot of patience.)

Here comes the recipe.


2 cups almonds
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp agave syrup
1 tbsp coconut oil

1. On a pan (or oven, 175°C/350F) toast the almonds over low heat for 10 minutes.
2. Turn off the heat and let the almonds cool down for some 10 minutes.
3. Put the almonds into a food processor/blender and turn it on. Blend until creamy (might take up to 20 minutes or even more, be patient!)
4. Once the butter is creamy, add the spices and oil, if needed (I usually add the oil to make the butter smoother).
5. Blend until all the ingredients are combined, and transfer the butter into a glass jar covered with lid. Store in refrigerator up to 4 weeks.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


One of the things a Finnish person is said to miss most when they are abroad is rye bread, ruisleipä. And I cannot say that I'm personally any different in this case. I love good rye bread!

When it comes to Finnish food culture, I cannot honestly say I miss too many things. In general, Finnish food is quite simple and humble, with neutral flavors and simple ingredients. Nothing too passionate or special (sorry guys). But there are a couple of things you simply cannot find this side of the world, that I sometimes catch myself missing, and one of them, without a doubt, Finnish rye bread.

Some months ago I was curious to see if I could find anything that even remotely looks or tastes like rye bread, here in Guadalajara. Now, obviously I didn't try in Soriana or Walmart, but I kept my eyes open in places like Superama, City Market, Fresko and other smaller grocery stores that tend to have more imported and exotic products. My boyfriend was sweet to get excited when ever seeing a bread that was slightly darker than Bimbo pan, maybe this one? Sorry baby, not even close.

After a while I had to admit myself rye bread seems to be something that simply does not exist here in Mexico, not even in the tiniest boutiques of carefylly selected products from the world. I accepted the reality and decided I'd have to make the bread myself.

Now, anybody who knows good rye bread knows also that it will never be the same without a good sour dough base. (In Finland, traditionally the sour dough for rye bread is inherited in the family and can sometimes be generations old! Nowadays this tradition is almost vanished and most rye bread is simply bought ready made in supermarkets.)

However, I decided to try out a simple recipe of rye bread without the sour dough. I took a look at some recipes I could find online and made my own version based on them. The bread turned out ok, it does taste like rye bread and for someone like me who hasn't had good, proper dark bread in a long time, it totally works just perfectly to get the feeling of it. 

I did stay curious trying out the same recipe with a sour dough base, which I think I will have to try next. Meanwhile, when ever I feel like the need for rye bread, this recipe is definitely the way to go! 

Here it comes.


2 cups (5dl) water
2 tsp salt
2 tbsp syrup
25g yeast (or 1 bag, 11g dry yeast)
3 cups (7,5dl) rye flour
2/3 cup (1,5dl) wheat flour

1. Heat the water slightly warmer than body temperature. Add salt and syrup and the yeast mixed with 1/2 cup of flour.
2. Leave the mix sit for 15 minutes in a warm place covered with a towel.
3. Mix the rye flour with the wheat flour and add the flours into the dough. No need to knead the dough, just lightly mix until combined. Leave sit in a warm place under a towel for at least 30 minutes.
4. Using a lot of rye flour (the dough is really loose and gets stuck in your hands otherwise) make a small ball in your hand and then flatten it. Place the pieces on the oven plate and using your hands, shape them more if needed. Cover with a towel and let sit for 15 minutes.
5. Using a fork, prick some holes on top of each bread and then bake the breads for 18-20 minutes in 225°C (440F).

Monday, July 27, 2020


Today's rebellious recipe is simple and delicious banana bread with chocolate and pecan nuts!

Ever since buying the new oven, I have been making true all of my baking fantasies that I had accumulated during the pre-oven period, for example this banana bread. Now, I happen to live with someone who love love looooves banana bread, so I have now made this bread some four times in total, every time trying to master the recipe from the previous time.

Now I can say the recipe is just perfect: the bread is moist, chocolaty, nutty, sweet but slightly salty, a perfect harmony of flavors! Try it out and see for yourself, here comes the recipe.


4 medium ripe bananas
1/4 cup almond milk
1/4 vegetable oil
1/2 brown sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder
2 cups wheat flour
75g pecan nuts
50g dark vegan chocolate

1. Preheat the oven to 175°C (350F).
2. In a bowl, mash the bananas with a fork. Add milk, oil, vanilla and sugar and mix everything.
3. In another bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt.
4. Cut the chocolate and half of the nuts with a sharp knife into small pieces.
5. Combine all the ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon. Do not overmix!
6. Transfer the batter into a pan covered with oil and decorate with banana slices and pecan nuts.
7. Bake for 45-60 minutes.