Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Today presenting you guys something very special: Home made almond butter, that is just almost too good to be true!

Confession time: Almond is probably my number one favorite plant-based ingredient ever. Let me tell you why.

First of all, almonds are suuuper healthy! They are full of fiber, healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Eating almonds is good for you in so many ways, in fact they are recommended to be eaten daily as a part of healthy (vegan) diet.

Secondly, almonds can usually be found everywhere. No matter which part of the world you go, or any supermarket, they always sell almonds. And I love it. Also, almonds can be used to make almost anything: milk, oil, butter, flour, paste, and it can be consumed both internally and externally.

Thirdly, and some may say, most importantly, almonds are delicious! Personally, I love almonds in every possible way: I can easily eat them as snacks between the meals just as they are, I love to drink almond milk (together with oat milk it is my top plant-based milk choice), but more than anything else, I love almond butter!

For some time already I knew almond butter was delicious, but what I only recently discovered is that it is also ridiculously easy to make home yourself. Like, sooo easy. The only condition is that you have to have a powerful blender/food processor, and some patience (ok, maybe a lot of patience.)

Here comes the recipe.


2 cups almonds
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp agave syrup
1 tbsp coconut oil

1. On a pan (or oven, 175°C/350F) toast the almonds over low heat for 10 minutes.
2. Turn off the heat and let the almonds cool down for some 10 minutes.
3. Put the almonds into a food processor/blender and turn it on. Blend until creamy (might take up to 20 minutes or even more, be patient!)
4. Once the butter is creamy, add the spices and oil, if needed (I usually add the oil to make the butter smoother).
5. Blend until all the ingredients are combined, and transfer the butter into a glass jar covered with lid. Store in refrigerator up to 4 weeks.

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