Here you will find information about this blog and about me.


Rebel Food Club is a personal project of mine that was born from the need to write, share my recipes, and work on something that I deeply believe to be the right and moral way to live.

I´m hoping to make this blog a place where everybody can find something interesting; no matter whether you're a vegan, vegetarian, or a meat-lover. I want to encourage people to give a chance to plant-based lifestyle, by sharing my favorite recipes, restaurants and vegan products. I'm also going to share tips on how to go vegan, especially in a country where it's still not that easy (Mexico).

Why Rebel Food Club? The name was born from the idea of my close friends. It can be understood at least two ways: Personally I'm a rebel, who does what she wants, and does what she believes to be right, no matter what the rest of the world says. Also, any vegan in this world can be considered to be a rebel, since we have to fight against the norms of the society to live the way we believe to be right, even if the majority of people thought something else.

By this definiton, if you, like me, feel rebellious, I invite you to join Rebel Food Club.


My name is Niina and I come from Finland, the land of the vikings and the Santa Claus. Currently I live in Mexico's Guadalajara. I'm a plant-based eater since 2018 and vegetarian since some ten years ago (I used to eat dairy and eggs and some sea food every now and then).

I first stopped eating meat because of the environmental issues. I believed the meat industry to be very harmful for our planet and as a nature-lover, didn't want to be part of this destruction. Later, in 2016, I decided to become a yoga teacher, and in this transition period, I became more spiritual and started to find more reasons to quit thinking that we as humans were a superior race with a right to exploit this planet and its creatures.

About two years ago I rescued a dog from the streets, and she became a family member and my best friend. I had always loved dogs and all the animals, but only after having one as a part of my family, I started to really think more about the issues of animal cruelty in the meat and dairy industry. I decided to quit consuming eggs, dairy and fish in 2018, first little by little and nowadays my diet is almost 100% plant-based, with some small exceptions.

In the past year or so, I found a new-born passion for cooking (which kind of came along with the transition for veganism; in Mexico it is still quite hard to find vegan food easily, and that is why you need to be either good in kitchen or rich!) I started a small one woman business of vegan cooking and got very good feedback of my mostly improvised cooking and lots of requests to share my recipes. I started to notice the growing interest for the plant-based food and healthier options (even though, still very deep down under the meat-loving Mexican society).

I have also always been a person who likes to take care of herself, exercise and eat well. Now, note, eating well does not always mean eating healthy! I like to eat healthy most of the time, simply because it really makes me feel better, but... trust me when I say, I also enjoy not-so-healthy food: pizza, hamburgers, creamy pastas, bread, cakes, donuts, etc. Luckily, all of these sinful treats can be found in vegan versions, and what's best, with less calories and cruelty-free!


V for versatility. I am not a person of only one field of interest, have never been and probably will never be. I love to always explore and find out about new and different things, to learn and grow.
E for ethics. It has always been very important for me to believe in things and live accordingly, especially when it comes to moral.
G for gender roles, which I believe should be questioned big time. Luckily, that's exactly what I see happening in the world around me right now, and it could not make me happier.
A for alternative.I guess I have always been quite an alternative person, when it comes to my interests and taste. But what I really want to believe, is that one day veganism is not an alternative lifestyle, but the norm of society. (We are still far, but we are heading there.)
N for nutrition. Food and nutrition have become very important topics for me in the past years.
I truly believe we are what we eat and I have found food to be much more interesting topic than it
may seem in the first glance.

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