Friday, August 21, 2020


Today I'm going to present you some of my favorite vegan snacks! Are you ready?

I strongly dislike the expression "healthy snacks". There are couple of reasons for this. First of all, the words "healthy" and "snacks" just don't seem to really need each other. Why not just say snacks? The idea of snacks is that they are easy to eat and taste good, right?

Another reason is that I think the words easily bring to mind an image of a huge plate of raw vegetables (nothing wrong with those though, delicious!) or a granola bar, something that in some intuitive level just feels wrong. Healthy snacks should't be something that you can imagine only women from yogurt commercials liking. (They would eat them still wearing their yoga pants and smiling little bit too much.)

Anyway. This is why I prefer to use the expession "vegan snacks". They are green and might be a little bit healthier than potato chips, but equally enjoyable! (And also highly addictive.)

The two snacks I'm presenting today I make quite often myself. The awesome part is that they don't require long preparation or effort, and they do taste awesome! The ingredients can usually be stored in your frigde or freezer, and when ever a snacky mood appears, they are fast and easy to prepare.

Here come the recipes!


1 bag of kale
spray oil

1. Preheat the oven to 300F (150°C).
2. Place the kale on an oven plate and spray with a thin layer of oil.
3. Add some salt (and other spices if wanted: paprika powder, cayenne pepper, black pepper, according to your personal taste!)
4. Cook for 30-40 mins. You can turn the kales couple of times during the cooking if needed.
5. Once the kale chips are all crispy, they are ready. Enjoy!


1 bag edamame beans

1. Heat water in a pot until boiling.
2. Add salt into the water and then the frozen edamames. Cook 10-15 minutes or until the beans are soft.
3. Pour out the water and add some salt on top. Enjoy while warm!


What are your favorite vegan / healthier snacks?

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