Wednesday, August 12, 2020


It's time to reveal the recipe for one of my favorite dishes ever: avocado pasta.

What makes this avocado pasta so special? Some years ago it became a huge hit in Finland, everybody were making it! Now, every time I mention this, people wonder if avocado is a typical ingredient in the Finnish kitchen. NO, it definitely is not. Avocados are usually very expensive and hardly ever in their optimal condition, and that is probably one reason that makes this dish even more appealing for Finnish people. But, since I happen to live in Mexico, I'm going to enjoy this recipe as often as I possibly can. God bless avocados, seriously.

The original recipe is from a Finnish chef called Alexander Gullichsen, who, according to the story, made the pasta for his wife. So it's also some sort of a love story, and who doesn't like those!

Well, the couple has divorced ever since, but the pasta doesn't stop being insanely good! The original recipe is not vegan though, since it has two different types of cheeses in it, but no worries, I have pimped the recipe to be 100% plant-based, and, included a vegan parmesan recipe for you as well. Because as we all very well know, as cherry belongs on top of the cake, so does parmesan on top of pasta.

I have replaced the cheese in the recipe with nutritional yeast (levadura nutricional), a miracle ingredient that makes things taste like cheese. At the moment you can buy nutritional yeast (at least here in Mexico) in vegan stores and some ecological food stores (I bought mine in Bocados de Vida.) The vegan parmesan is also made using nutritional yeast, and another miracle ingredient, hemp seeds. Try it out and get surprised!

Here comes the recipe!

AVOCADO PASTA (2-3 servings)

250g spaghetti
2-3 avocados
2-4 cloves garlic
1-2 chilis
1 lime
1/2 cup fresh basil
2 tbsp olive oil
black pepper
1/2 nutritional yeast

1. Chop the garlic and chili peppers into small cubes and mix them in a bowl with the lime juice.
2. Cut the avocados into cubes, add them into the bowl and mix.
3. Add chopped basil, and nutritional yeast. Mix.
4. Cook the spaghetti al dente (1-2 minutes less than in the instructions). The boiling water should be as salty as sea water. Take 1/2 cup of the boiling water aside and add it into the bowl with other ingredients. Stir everything together.
5. Strain the spaghetti and add it into the bowl. Mix.
6. Finally add salt, pepper and olive oil. Sprinkle some parmesan on top of the served pasta right before eating. Enjoy right away!


1/2 cup hemp hearts
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp sea salt

1. Put all the ingredients into a blender/food processor and blend lightly using the burst, for some 10-15 secs (or until desired consistency).
2. Store in a glass jar in room temperature up to 3 months.

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