Wednesday, April 1, 2020


Welcome to Niina's fusion kitchen! Today's recipe is something really special. It combines very traditional Finnish ingredient, cabbage, with spicy Mexican chorizo (d'uh, obviously vegan!)

Oh, and I just made this recipe up today. And it tastes awesome!

The traditional Finnish version of this dish is called kaalimuhennos (kaali=cabbage, muhennos=stew.) This original version usually has cabbage, carrot, rice and minced meat or other type of meat. So, otherwise my version is pretty much the same, but instead of meat, I decided to use chorizo, and the result turned out to be delicious!

I cooked the stew in a frying pan with lid, but it can also be cooked in an oven, if you happen to have one (in Mexico, not too many people have ovens in their kitchens or the oven is used only for storing pans and pots! Somebody wants to explain me why?)

Anyway. Here comes the recipe.


1/2 medium sized cabbage
1 onion
2-3 cloves garlic (or 2 tsp garlic powder)
4 carrots
3 dl rice
250g vegan chorizo
1 tbsp vegetable broth
1 tsp white pepper
1 tsp black pepper
2-3 tbsp agave syrup
2 tsp salt
olive oil

1. Heat water in a pot for the rice, add the vegetable broth and leave the rice cooking under lid in medium temperature.
2. Chop the cabbage, carrots, onion and garlic.
3. Heat olive oil in a pan and add all the vegetables. Cook under lid in medium heat for some 15 minutes, until the cabbage starts to soften. (If needed, you can add 1-2 dl of water into the pan to prevent burning vegetables)
4. Meanwhile, prepare the vegan chorizo in another frying pan with some olive oil. Add salt if needed.
5. When the rice and the chorizo are cooked, add them into the stew. Add all the spices and cook under lid for 15 minutes more.

Usually when I make this type of food, that requires a little more time and effort, I like to make a big amount and eat it the next day too, and maybe the next one. If you want to do this, you can double all the ingredients (just make sure the capacity of your pot allows it!)

If you try out this recipe, plese leave a comment below and tell me how it turned out for you! <3

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