Wednesday, April 1, 2020


First things first: What is a vegan documentary? In my own definition, vegan documentraries are the type of movies that are likely to turn people vegans (or at least to make them consider it.) Usually these movies tell about meat and dairy industry, about the food industry in general, animal rights, enviromental issues and health issues.

There are vegan documentaries as many as reasons to go vegan, but some of them I consider to be must-see. Next three movies are some of my personal favorites, that have modified my way of thinking during these years, and I can highly recommend to everyone.

All of them can be watched for free, in either Netflix or online.

1. COWSPIRACY (2014)

Cowspiracy: The sustainability secret was one of the first vegan documentaries I saw. It's typically one of the first vegan movies anybody sees, because it's quite an easy introduction to the topic, and also because it's easily available.

The movie makes one really clear and loud argument: the environment cannot be saved if we don't reduce the consumption of meat. Another central point, perhaps even more important one, is more political, and has to do with the secrecy of the effects of the livestock industry for our environment. In other words: the truth about meat industry is kept secret from the majority of people, because money rules the world.

As a personal conclusion I took from this documentary, I'd say the best thing that a single person can do for the environment, is to turn into plant-based diet. As simply as that.

Cowspiracy can be watched in Netflix. Trailer of the movie here.


What the health challenges our way of thinking when it comes to health and the whole food and health industry. The movie became controversial little after its appearance, since it's making strong accusations against many big corporations and brands, such as Tyson, Nestle, KFCAmerican Cancer Society and American Diabetes Association

One of the major points that this documentary makes is how the consumption of meat and dairy is (scientifically proven to be) connected to many diseases such as cancer and diabetes, but at the same time many health organizations seem to completely overlook this fact.

What the health can be watched in Netflix. Trailer of the movie here

3. EARTHLINGS (2005)

Earthlings is one of the oldest vegan documentaries out there. Many people had recommended this movie to me, but always with the note "it's pretty heavy, beware." After watching it, I totally understood why. The movie contains plenty of graphic material from slaughterhouses, laboratories and even zoos and circuses: the ugly truths behind the closed doors, the kind of material people don't want to see and the corporations don't want you to see.

As heavy as the movie was (after 15 minutes of watching, I kept crying throughout the whole film) I strongly recommend eveybody to watch it. In my opinion, it is both our right and obligation to know where our food comes from, how our clothes are made, and what kind of systems we are supporting without realizing.

Earthlings can be watched online. Trailer of the movie here.

In summary, these three movies are dealing with the three major reasons there are to go vegan: environmental (Cowspiracy), health-based (What the health) and ethical reasons (Earthlings). Each of these three aspects separately are already strong enough to at least make people re-consider if the way we live, consume and deal with the world and its habitants is really the best possible way.

Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power.


Have you watched any of these three documentaries? What kind of thoughts do you have? 
Write a comment below. I'd love to hear more point of views!

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