Monday, March 30, 2020


It is time to share one of my most requested recipes of all times: Niina's amazing potatoes! It makes me laugh every time somebody drools over these potatoes, because to me it is just a really simple recipe I randomly created one day. It's even exaggeration to call it a recipe, really.

However, these amazing potatoes combined with some tofu, that's when we have a recipe. As a side dish, we have some broccoli with red bell pepper and onions. So simple and so tasty!

When I first stopped eating meat, already long time ago, my simple-and-easy-lazy-day-food used to be macaroni with soy, a dish that takes few time and effort to prepare and to eat. Nowadays this potato and tofu dish has been taking that place in my cooking routine. I think it's important to have a couple of those recipes in the back of our heads, ready to serve us when we most need them (which is pretty often). 

The real beauty of these trusted recipes is that we already know how to make them without any headache, and we know they are going to taste awesome. Also, the ingredients are relatively easy to find in any grocery store, which, at least here in Mexico, is something not to be taken for granted.

So, without further speech, here comes the recipe.

PAN FRIED POTATOES & TOFU (3-4 servings)

12-15 small potatoes (papas cambray)
olive oil
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt

300g firm (or extra firm) tofu
2 tsp soy sauce
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 tsp agave syrup

1. Chop the potatoes into small cubes, heat olive oil in a pan and cook under lid for some 10 mins, mixing every now and then.
2. Meanwhile, cut the tofu into similar size cubes. 
3. Prepare marinade for the tofu mixing soy sauce, garlic powder, black pepper and agave syrup.
4. Heat oil in a pan, mix the tofu with the marinade, and cook for 15-20 minutes in medium heat.
5. Remove the lid from the potatoes, add all the spices and keep cooking for 10-15 mins more without the lid.
6. When both the potatoes and the tofu are ready, mix them together. Check salt and add if needed.


1 onion
1 red bell pepper
1/2-1  broccoli
olive oil

1. Chop all the vegetables leaving them 3-4cm sized cubes.
2. Heat oil in a pan and cook the vegetables under lid for some 10 minutes. 
3. When the vegetables are slightly fried, but still crunchy, add the salt.

If you try out this recipe, you can take a picture and post it in your social media using following tags: #RebelFoodClub and #VeganIsNotDead!

Have a beautiful week and stay safe!

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