Saturday, March 28, 2020


Everybody knows Mexican people like to eat tacos, but how many people know what Mexicans prefer to eat for breakfast?

Having lived in Mexico for some three years now, I can tell there is one clear answer to the question: chilaquiles.

Now, if you show a plate of chilaquiles to a person who has never seen them before, they'd probably tell you it is a plate of nacho chips with some salsa and wonder, how is that supposed to be a breakfast (true story.) But as a foreigner in Mexico, I would advice not to mess with chilaquiles. They are truly something very sacred to Mexicans.

(And by the way, they are not nacho chips, they are called totopos.)

Usually chilaquiles are served with some cream and cheese, chopped onion and cilantro on top. Typical side dishes are black beans*, potatoes, eggs and sometimes chicken or beef.

One of the best things about chilaquiles is that they are quite easy and fast to make. Vegan version can be made with simply leaving out the cream and the cheese (or using vegan cream and cheese instead.) Vegan side dishes can be for example beans, potatoes, scrambled tofu, and green salad or simply fresh tomatoes.


Home-made chilaquiles can be made a coupe of different ways. First of all, you can use either ready made totopos or make them yourself from corn tortillas. Chop the tortillas with a knife and spread them on a chopping board to dry for a couple of hours or overnight. When the tortilla pieces are dried, heat oil on a pan and fry them in low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Next, you can choose if you want to use salsa from a can or make it yourself. Obviously self made salsa will always taste better, but for busy/lazy mornings, canned salsas are also a decent option.

(Without going too deep into the topic right now, let it be mentioned that typically Mexican people can be divided into two groups: those who go for the green salsa, and those who prefer the red one. I would advice to choose your side carefully or stay out of the whole topic, if you want to keep good relationships with your Mexican amigos.)

When the totopos are fried nice and crispy, you can add a little bit of salt and then mix the salsa with the chips. Depending on your personal taste, you can leave the chilaquiles crispy by heating the salsa just enough or a little longer to make the tortillas soft again (which honestly, I don't get at all.)

Finally, put the chilaquiles on a plate and top with some finely chopped onion, cilantro, and what ever you want to add!


If you, like me, used to be a friend of scrambled eggs, but are now vegan, I have good news for you: Scrambled tofu is delicious!

Here's how you make it.

SCRAMBLED TOFU (2-3 servings)

250g soft tofu
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp turmeric/curry
1/4 tsp white pepper
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp nutritional yeast

1. Using your hands, scramble the tofu on a plate.
2. Prepare a mixture of the spices and mix them with the scrambled tofu.
3. Heat olive oil on a pan and cook the tofu in medium heat for 15-20 minutes.
4. Check the flavour and add salt if needed.

PAPITAS (2-3 servings)

6-8 small potatoes (papas cambray)
olive oil
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp garlic powder

1. Chop the potatoes into cubes.
2. Heat some olive oil in a pan and cook the potatoes in medium heat, under a lid, for 10 minutes.
3. Add all the spices and keep cooking the potatoes without the lid for some 10-15 mins more.
4. Turn off the heat and check the salt, add if needed.

Finally, gather all of your side dishes on your plate with the chilaquiles, add some fresh tomato and avocado, enjoy with fresh orange juice and coffee. :)

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